Before Starting
Before starting with implementing the Operations Delivery Model (ODM) we want to carry out an operational audit. This allows us to understand your current situation in detail, from this gap analysis we can identify which operation modules are the right ones for your company and your situation. This is reviewed and agreed with your leadership team.
Getting Started
Select the ODM implementation team. This typically consists of:
- Supervisors who will use the ODM to structure their daily work
- Operations Manager who supports staff and holds them accountable to use the ODM
- COO is the ODM sponsor, removes roadblocks and drives direction
This is the team who will be living the ODM day to day. They need to be the people who can make the decisions on how they need the model to work and now they will support each other and keep each other accountable.
Kick off is a semi formal meeting with the team. We present an overview of the process and what we expect from the team. In turn we answer questions that the team have. All parties agree to a schedule for starting the training modules and implementation to start and individual’s responsibilities within the team.

Training Session – Practical maximum 90-minute session on single operating best practice. Focus is on how to use at the company, how practice integrates with other modules and responsibilities.
Implementation Plan – agree who’s responsible for what, set priorities, measures and actions dates.
Execute the implementation plan – support and hold fellow implementation team members accountable.
Building the ODM
As each module is completed the team is building an operating model. Each new module builds on the foundations set by the previous modules. This means that the model will be contributing to you company operating effectively as soon as the first modules are implemented.
Updating the ODM– the operating model is deliberately designed so as modules are completed, and as the team learns more and understand how each of the modules integrate together as previous modules will need updating. This ensures that the model works as a whole and not as series of unaligned mini projects. It also positions the team to use the ODM as long term model that will grown and change as the company also grows and changes.

The team builds an ODM so that everyone knows what is expected of them and when so that the product and serviced is delivered as it designed to be. And more so that the frustrations of work are systematically eliminated, clarity of purpose is developed, and people understand a clear link between their role and the company meeting its customers needs effectively and efficiently.
To learn more about how the Applied Performance Operations Delivery Model can help your operation deliver, call us today at 403-470-1659, or email